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Welcome to the CA DOM Fellowship Website!

Updated: Sep 28, 2023

The California DOM Fellowship is a digital resource for California Association leadership. In 2016, a six-member task group proposed how California Association leaders could help one another with best practices and policies to serve churches better. This led to the creating of a non-profit legal organization that could add a sense of communication, collaboration, and coordination to improve our collective impact in California.

This new digital resource is provided to preserve our identity and history, where the best ideas can be kept and shared. When our collective IQ and experience are shared, everyone benefits. We hope this will continue to be a valued resource for existing and all new Association leaders serving in California.

Since this resource is online, it can be accessed at any time. It is a starting line, not a finish line, to build an ongoing library of valuable resources.

Several questions remain for our collective input.

  1. Do we need a membership-only feature that requires a login to keep some aspects of the website private to members only?

  2. Is there a time when we ask CSBC to become the site's content manager so that continuity is not lost when DOM Fellowship officers change (every two years)?

  3. Would a mobile app that allows access to communication and information be helpful?

  4. What additional file folder titles must be added to the File Sharing resource?

  5. Other ideas?

Thank you for your participation!

All the best,

Mike Carlisle



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