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Important Links


National Movement ot impact America starting with Prayer

Baptist Blogger

Occasional Baptist blogs

Baptist Press

The official Southern Baptist News site

Best Baptist Blogs

A listing of many blogs related to Baptist

CA Baptist Foundation Staff

List of staff leading the Baptist Foundation of CA

CBU Baptist Staff Directory

Cal Baptist University staff directory

CSBC Events

Scheduled Calendar events of CSBC

CSBC Resources

Multiple ministry Resources available from CSBC

Church Membership Application

New online webform for churches to join the Associaton and CSBC

Finishing the Task - Rick Warren

Great site related to finishing the task of sharing the gospel

International Mission Board

The Official site of the International Mission Board

Pastor Search Committee Resources

Excellent site with many resources to train Church Pastor Search Committees

SBC Find a Church

Church Finder site at the National level.

SBC Workspace

The SBC official data repository of all SBC churches

Send Relief

Send Relief site showing the five focus areas and resources

Southern Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders

This is the largest national organization for Association Leaders - SBCAL

Asphalt Preferred Vendor

This is a quality asphalt company that serves churches and non-profits. Excellent work!

Baptist News Global

Excellent site for Bpatist News Articles

Baptist Standard Site

Baptist General Convention of Texas News site

Bless Every Home

Free website to pray for your neighbors by name

CA DOM Directory

CA Dom Directory of all CA Associations

CBU Pastor Resources

CAL Baptist University Reources for Pastors

CSBC Facebook

Facebook social media site for CSBC

CSBC Staff Directory

See information on all CSBC Staff

Easy Board

Great software to manage the association board meetings

Gateway Seminary

Access to Gateway Seminary Website

North American Mission Board

NAMB resource site for Associations

SBC Executive Committee

Executive Committee in Nashville with infromaiton related to SBC

SBC Voices Blog

One of the best Baptist Blogs

Send Network

The NAMB Send Network site for church planting

SoCal Baptist Ministry Grant

Application for Financial Grant from SoCal Baptist Ministry

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